24 Prophetic Prayers for Stomach Pain

Prayer for stomach pain

Stomach pain can be physically debilitating, but through prayer, faith, and the healing power of God, relief and restoration can be found.

As you pray these 24 prophetic prayers for stomach pain, trust that God is able to heal every form of discomfort, pain, and sickness in your body.

When you pray prophetically, you are declaring God’s Word over your life, affirming His promises for your health and well-being.

Each prayer is backed by scripture, ensuring that your prayers are in line with God’s will.

24 Prophetic Prayers for Stomach Pain

1. Prophetic Prayer for Healing from General Stomach Pain

Scripture Reference: “Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved, for You are my praise.”Jeremiah 17:14 (KJV)

Jeremiah 17 14
Jeremiah 17:14

Father, in the mighty name of Jesus, I declare healing over my stomach pain. I speak prophetically, aligning myself with Your Word that promises healing and restoration. I declare that my stomach is healed, and every source of pain is removed by the power of the Holy Spirit. Thank You for being my healer. Amen.

Jeremiah 17:14 serves as a powerful declaration of faith in God’s healing power. Speaking prophetically over your stomach pain brings healing into manifestation.

2. Prophetic Prayer for Relief from Stomach Cramps

Scripture Reference: “The Lord sustains them on their sickbed and restores them from their bed of illness.” — Psalm 41:3 (NIV)

Psalm 41 3
Psalm 41:3

Lord, I declare that You are my sustainer, and I speak healing over these cramps in my stomach. I prophesy that my body is coming into divine alignment with Your Word, and I am restored from all illness and pain. I thank You for supernatural healing in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Psalm 41:3 reminds us that God is faithful to heal and restore us. Prophesying over stomach cramps brings relief and positions us for complete recovery.

3. Prophetic Prayer for Healing from Stomach Infections

Scripture Reference: “But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds,” declares the Lord. — Jeremiah 30:17 (NIV)

Jeremiah 30:17
Jeremiah 30:17

In the name of Jesus, I declare that my stomach is free from any infection or sickness. I speak prophetically, commanding every infection to leave my body. I declare that I am restored to perfect health, for the Lord is my healer. I receive this healing now. Amen.

Jeremiah 30:17 emphasizes God’s promise to restore health. This prophetic prayer targets infections and releases divine healing.

Related: 25 Powerful Prophetic Prayers for Constipation

4. Prophetic Prayer for Healing from Acid Reflux

Scripture Reference: “The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and He helps me.” — Psalm 28:7 (NIV)

Lord, You are my strength and shield. I declare in the name of Jesus that acid reflux no longer has power over my body. I speak to the root cause of this condition, and I declare healing by the power of God. My stomach and digestive system are healed, and I am made whole. Amen.

Psalm 28:7 is a reminder of God’s protection and strength. Proclaiming healing over acid reflux in the authority of Christ brings freedom from pain.

5. Prophetic Prayer for Healing from Stomach Ulcers

Scripture Reference: “But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we are healed.” — Isaiah 53:5 (KJV)

Father, by the stripes of Jesus, I declare healing over my stomach ulcers. I prophesy that every wound in my stomach is healed by the power of the blood of Jesus. I receive Your healing now, and I declare that my body is restored. No ulcer can remain in the presence of Your healing power. Amen.

Isaiah 53:5 speaks of the healing power of Christ’s sacrifice. Prophesying this scripture over stomach ulcers calls forth divine restoration.

6. Prophetic Prayer for Healing from Stomach Viruses

Scripture Reference: “I will take away sickness from among you.”Exodus 23:25 (NIV)

Lord, You promised to take sickness away from me. I stand on this promise and declare that every stomach virus is removed from my body right now in the name of Jesus. I prophesy total health and healing over my digestive system, and I receive freedom from this virus. Amen.

Exodus 23:25 affirms God’s ability to remove sickness. Speaking prophetically against stomach viruses ensures that no illness can take root in your body.

7. Prophetic Prayer for Healing from Food Poisoning

Scripture Reference: “The Lord will keep you from all harm—He will watch over your life.” — Psalm 121:7 (NIV)

In Jesus’ name, I declare that food poisoning has no authority over my body. I speak prophetically that my body is recovering, and I declare that no harm will come to me. I am healed, restored, and protected by the hand of God. Amen.

Psalm 121:7 provides assurance of God’s protection. This prophetic prayer declares healing and protection from the harmful effects of food poisoning.

8. Prophetic Prayer for Healing from IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)

Scripture Reference: “I am the Lord who heals you.” — Exodus 15:26 (NIV)

Lord, You are my healer, and I declare healing over every symptom of IBS. I prophesy that my digestive system functions perfectly and that I am free from all discomfort, pain, and irregularities. I receive Your divine healing, and I declare that I am whole in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Exodus 15:26 reminds us that God is our healer. This prophetic declaration brings healing to the symptoms of IBS.

9. Prophetic Prayer for Healing from Indigestion

Scripture Reference: “I sought the Lord, and He answered me; He delivered me from all my fears.” — Psalm 34:4 (NIV)

Father, I declare healing from indigestion in the name of Jesus. I speak to my digestive system, and I declare that it is functioning perfectly. I prophesy that every discomfort is removed, and I am delivered from this pain. Thank You, Lord, for Your healing power. Amen.

Psalm 34:4 speaks of God’s deliverance. By prophesying healing over indigestion, you position yourself to receive freedom from this discomfort.

10. Prophetic Prayer for Healing from Gastritis

Scripture Reference: “And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up.” — James 5:15 (ESV)

Lord, I declare in faith that I am healed from gastritis. I speak prophetically over my body, declaring that my stomach lining is restored and every symptom of gastritis is removed. I receive divine healing and declare that I am raised up in full health. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

James 5:15 highlights the power of faith-filled prayer. This prophetic prayer affirms healing from gastritis, trusting in God’s restorative power.

Certainly! Here are the remaining 15 prophetic prayers for stomach pain, ensuring you have the full 25 prayers.

11. Prophetic Prayer for Healing from Bloating

Scripture Reference: “The Lord gives strength to His people; the Lord blesses His people with peace.” — Psalm 29:11 (NIV)

Father, I declare peace over my body, and I prophesy that all bloating and discomfort are removed in the name of Jesus. I thank You, Lord, for the strength and healing You are pouring into my digestive system right now. I receive complete healing and relief from bloating, knowing that You are my healer. Amen.

Psalm 29:11 is a reminder that God’s peace can calm every discomfort in our bodies. Prophesy healing over your bloating and receive His peace.

12. Prophetic Prayer for Healing from Nausea

Scripture Reference: “For I will restore health to you and heal you of your wounds,” says the Lord. — Jeremiah 30:17 (NKJV)

Lord, I declare that this nausea must cease in the name of Jesus. I prophesy that my body is fully restored, and I receive divine healing from every source of nausea. Thank You for being the God who heals me and restores me to health. I receive this healing by faith. Amen.

Jeremiah 30:17 is a promise of restoration. Speak this truth over nausea, declaring your healing in Jesus’ name.

13. Prophetic Prayer for Healing from Food Intolerance

Scripture Reference: “And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up.” — James 5:15 (ESV)

In the name of Jesus, I declare that my body is healed from any food intolerance. I prophesy that my digestive system functions perfectly, and I receive complete healing from all adverse reactions. Lord, I thank You for raising me up in perfect health. Amen.

James 5:15 shows the power of faith-filled prayer. Prophesying over your body ensures you walk in divine health, free from intolerance.

14. Prophetic Prayer for Healing from Constipation

Scripture Reference: “I will take away sickness from among you.” — Exodus 23:25 (NIV)

Lord, I declare that constipation has no place in my body. I speak prophetically, commanding my digestive system to work smoothly and efficiently. I declare that my body is free from all blockages, and I am healed in the name of Jesus. Thank You, Father, for taking away this sickness and restoring me to perfect health. Amen.

Exodus 23:25 is God’s promise to remove sickness. Speaking prophetically over constipation activates the power of healing in your life.

15. Prophetic Prayer for Healing from Crohn’s Disease

Scripture Reference: “By His stripes we are healed.” — Isaiah 53:5 (KJV)

Father, by the stripes of Jesus, I declare healing over my body. I prophesy that Crohn’s disease must bow to the name of Jesus. I speak complete restoration over my digestive system and declare that I am healed, whole, and free from every symptom of this condition. I receive my healing now, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Isaiah 53:5 is a foundational scripture for healing. Prophesy this over chronic conditions like Crohn’s disease, and declare your victory in Christ.

16. Prophetic Prayer for Healing from Digestive Disorders

Scripture Reference: “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” — Psalm 34:18 (NIV)

Lord, You are near to me in my time of need, and I declare that all digestive disorders are healed in the name of Jesus. I prophesy healing over my digestive tract, declaring that every malfunction is corrected and every pain is removed. I receive Your healing touch right now. Amen.

Psalm 34:18 speaks of God’s closeness in times of trouble. Declare His nearness and healing power over your digestive system for complete relief.

17. Prophetic Prayer for Healing from Gastroenteritis

Scripture Reference: “But you, Lord, are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high.” — Psalm 3:3 (NIV)

In the mighty name of Jesus, I declare that gastroenteritis has no hold over me. I prophesy that my stomach is shielded by Your healing power, and I am completely restored from this illness. I thank You, Lord, for lifting me up and healing me. Amen.

Psalm 3:3 shows God’s protection over us. Prophesy this shield of healing over gastroenteritis, claiming full recovery.

18. Prophetic Prayer for Healing from Diarrhea

Scripture Reference: “For I am the Lord who heals you.” — Exodus 15:26 (NIV)

Lord, You are my healer, and I declare that diarrhea is no more in my body. I speak prophetically over my digestive system, commanding it to function perfectly. I receive total healing in the name of Jesus, and I am restored to full health. Amen.

Exodus 15:26 reveals God’s heart as a healer. Prophesy this truth over your condition, knowing that God’s healing is working in your body.

19. Prophetic Prayer for Healing from Stomach Cancer

Scripture Reference: “He sent out His word and healed them; He rescued them from the grave.” — Psalm 107:20 (NIV)

In the name of Jesus, I declare healing over my body. I prophesy that every cancer cell is removed and replaced with divine health. I speak life into my stomach and declare that by the Word of God, I am healed, restored, and rescued from every form of sickness. Amen.

Psalm 107:20 shows the power of God’s Word to heal and rescue. Prophesying this scripture brings healing even in the face of severe illness.

20. Prophetic Prayer for Healing from Gallbladder Issues

Scripture Reference: “Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord.” — James 5:14 (NIV)

Lord, I declare that all gallbladder issues are healed in the name of Jesus. I prophesy healing over my body, declaring that my gallbladder functions perfectly and that every source of pain is removed. I am healed, and I thank You for Your healing power. Amen.

James 5:14 encourages prayer for the sick. Prophesying over your gallbladder ensures that divine healing is at work in your body.

21. Prophetic Prayer for Healing from Gastric Ulcers

Scripture Reference: “Surely He took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered Him punished by God, stricken by Him, and afflicted.” — Isaiah 53:4 (NIV)

Father, I declare in Jesus’ name that my gastric ulcers are healed. I prophesy that every pain is taken away by Your mighty hand. I speak healing over my stomach lining, and I receive complete restoration from every ulcer. Amen.

Isaiah 53:4 declares that Jesus bore our suffering. Prophesy this scripture over gastric ulcers, declaring that healing is already yours.

22. Prophetic Prayer for Healing from Stomach Tumors

Scripture Reference: “The Spirit of God has made me; the breath of the Almighty gives me life.” — Job 33:4 (NIV)

In Jesus’ name, I declare that every tumor in my stomach is removed by the power of God. I prophesy that my body is filled with life from the Almighty, and every abnormal growth is dissolved. I receive total healing and restoration in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Job 33:4 affirms that God is the giver of life. Speak this life over your body, declaring tumors must bow to the name of Jesus.

23. Prophetic Prayer for Healing from Stomach Swelling

Scripture Reference: “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” — Psalm 147:3 (NIV)

Father, I prophesy healing over this swelling in my stomach. I declare that You are binding up every wound, and I speak wholeness over my body. Every swelling is removed, and I am restored to full health. Thank You, Lord, for Your healing power. Amen.

Psalm 147:3 shows God’s healing touch. Prophesy His healing over swelling in your stomach, declaring that all discomfort is removed.

24. Prophetic Prayer for Healing from Gas and Indigestion

Scripture Reference: “The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.” — Psalm 23:1 (NIV)

Prayer (continued):
I declare that my digestive system is functioning perfectly, and all discomfort is gone. I prophesy over my body that I am free from pain, and my stomach is at peace. Thank You, Lord, for being my shepherd and leading me into health and wholeness. Amen.

Psalm 23:1 reminds us that in God, we lack nothing. By speaking this scripture over gas and indigestion, you declare that you have access to His perfect health and provision.


As you pray these 24 prophetic prayers for stomach pain, believe that God is working through your prayers to bring instant healing.

When you declare God’s Word prophetically over your body, you are activating the promises of health and wholeness that He has already made available through Jesus Christ.

These prayers align your faith with God’s will for your healing, allowing His power to flow into your life and bring the relief you seek.

Remember, prophetic prayer is a powerful tool. It calls forth healing, restoration, and deliverance, breaking every chain of sickness.

As you stand on these scriptures, continue to speak life over your body, trusting that God will heal and sustain you.

FAQ About Prayer for Stomach Pain

Healing Prayer for stomach pain
Healing Prayer for stomach pain

1. What is a prophetic prayer?

A prophetic prayer is a prayer that speaks God’s Word and promises into existence. It involves declaring His will over your life and circumstances, aligning your words with His truth and power.

2. Can prophetic prayers heal stomach pain?

Yes, prophetic prayers can bring healing by speaking God’s promises into your situation. When you declare healing scriptures with faith, you are inviting God’s power to manifest in your body, including relief from stomach pain.

Linking scriptures to your prayers involves finding Bible verses that speak of healing and health, and using those verses in your prayers. For example, when praying for healing from stomach ulcers, you can declare Isaiah 53:5, which states that by Jesus’ wounds, we are healed.

4. Can I pray prophetically for others who have stomach pain?

Yes, you can pray prophetically for others by speaking healing scriptures over their situation. Declare that they are healed and restored according to God’s promises, and stand in faith for their recovery.

5. Should I seek medical treatment while praying prophetically for stomach pain?

Yes, seeking medical treatment is wise, and it does not negate the power of prophetic prayer. God can work through both medical treatment and

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